About Me and The Extremely Horrible Idea That Is This Site
I’ve loved time travel stories for years. And I’ve been a video editor for even longer. And I’ve been a human being even longer than that.
When I started watching the 2005 reboot of Doctor Who, I was instantly hooked. I immediately sought out as much of the classic series as I could find… which was not much. I didn’t have a lot of money to buy DVDs, but I did find a few classic stories on Netflix (back when Netflix was mostly known for their mail service–what a world!).
In 2011 or thereabouts, I decided (perhaps against my better judgment*) that I wanted to watch the show from the beginning. The 1963 beginning. So I did.
And then I started keeping track of where/when the Doctor travels to. And the more I did that, the more this idea of editing the entire show into chronological order started to percolate. And then a spreadsheet was born.
Twelve years later, here we are. I’ve edited Doctor Who in order by setting, chronologically, starting only a few billion years after the big bang, and ending just before the heat death of the universe.
I also included credits at the end. I am the only person who put this together, but I thought it was appropriate to give the cast and crew of the shows I included credit as well.
So if they got an on-screen credit in the show, they got an on-screen credit in this project.
At present, the end credits are longer than most feature films.
Any events in the Whoniverse that don’t take place in a year specified by the show are placed by using a random number generator.
“Doctor Who and the RDIS” is current as of Jan 30, 2023. The most recent inclusion is “The Power of the Doctor.”
The total runtime of this project is 2 weeks, 6 days, 8 hours, 41 minutes and 31 seconds.
Its composition is:
54.3% Classic Who (1963-1989)
0.2% TV Movie (1996)
27.1% New Who (2005-present)
6.6% Torchwood (2006-2011)
4.7% The Sarah Jane Adventures (2007-2011)
2.0% K9 (2009-2010)
1.0% Class (2016)
4.1% spinoffs/extras/other.
It is broken into 27 parts because Adobe Premiere doesn’t play nicely with sequences that are longer than 24 hours.
*the existence of this website proves that I have no better judgment