F’ly A’d Q’s
What version/iteration of “Doctor Who and the RDIS” is this?
This is the fourth version! I completed it in January, 2025. I’m going to continue updating it as we get new Doctor Who, but I make no promises about how often that will happen.
Can you upload a version without the text overlays/progress bars?
I can. But I won’t. If it bugs you so much, find another way to watch the episodes.
Can I donate money to you? I really like this, for some reason. Or maybe I don’t, but I feel pity for you. Or something.
What should I do with all this money I have lying around?
Donate to a worthy charity. Get a spur-of-the-moment gift for a loved one. Buy yourself something just for you. Open a savings account. The possibilities are endless!
Why are the opening credits and intro sequence so long?
They’re not. At under 11 minutes, they currently make up only 0.0007% of the total running time.
Why are the closing credits so long?
At a brisk 2 hours and 55 minutes, the closing credits only make up 0.012% of the total running time! What are you talking about?
Can I send along suggestions or corrections?
Why didn’t you respond to my email?
I’ll probably get around to it eventually. But no promises.
You should get a life.
That’s not a question.
Okay, fine. Have you considered getting a life?
For your information, I actually have a very lovely and fulfilling life outside of this stupid project. *sobs quietly into a bowl of Cheerios*
Favorite Doctor?
Classic era? Patrick Troughton. Modern era? David Tennant.
Favorite companion?
Classic era? Ace McShane. Modern era? Clara Oswald.
Favorite overall TARDIS team?
Classic era? Tom Baker, K9 and Romana I. Modern era? Matt Smith, Amy Pond, Rory Williams and River Song.
Favorite TARDIS interior?
This was a tough one, but… Ruth’s. (Controversial!)
Favorite sonic screwdriver?
Jodie Whittaker’s.
Favorite villain?
Classic era? Daleks. Modern era? Those clockwork robots.
Favorite Master?
Roger Delgado.
Favorite story?
Too many to pick just one. I’ll tell you my favorite from each season:
The Sensorites
The Time Meddler
The Daleks’ Master Plan
The Tenth Planet
The Tomb of the Cybermen
The War Games
Colony in Space
Day of the Daleks
Carnival of Monsters
The Time Warrior
Genesis of the Daleks
Pyramids of Mars
The Deadly Assassin
The Invasion of Time
The Pirate Planet
City of Death
Four to Doomsday
Resurrection of the Daleks
Attack of the Cybermen
Terror of the Vervoids
Delta and the Bannermen
Remembrance of the Daleks
The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
The Girl in the Fireplace
Human Nature/The Family of Blood
The Next Doctor
Vincent and the Doctor
The Girl Who Waited
The Rings of Akhaten
The Girl Who Died
Extremis/The Pyramid at the End of the World/The Lie of the Land
It Takes You Away
Fugitive of the Judoon.
Village of the Angels
Favorite Christmas special?
A Christmas Carol.
Favorite multiple Doctor story?
The Day of the Doctor.
You know, some of your opinions are wrong and I have thoughts about them.
That is wonderful!
Are all these Q’s really A’d that F’ly?
I said, are all these questions really asked that frequently?
Oh. Not really, no.